This is a password-protected section of the LBTSA website which limits access to files that contain information restricted to those who have a reason to see it. These files are Affiliation & Entry forms and AGM minutes. The password for both sets of files is the same, and is available to officials and members of affiliated clubs only. It may be changed from time to time (with due notification).
The restricted information refers to the names and other personal details of individuals given on the various forms available here to protect them from inappropriate and unwanted contact by those outside the local shooting community. Likewise, the AGM minutes are only made available to members of affiliated clubs as the Association considers them not to be fully public documents.
If you have the password please protect it and do not give it to anyone who does not have a good reason to possess it. You may give it to your club colleagues.
Hit the relevant button below to access either the current set of affiliation and entry forms, or to see the archive of minutes of all the Annual General Meetings that are available. You will be asked to enter the password (which is the same for both) on taking either link.
Affiliation & Entry forms AGM Minutes
Apply here make a request for the password.
Reapply here if you have it but you’ve forgotten it, or if it doesn’t work (it might have been changed since you last used it successfully).