News Archives: This page contains links to all archived News pages, including those from the previous version of this website going back to 2005.

The News (Home) page is archived each September, so one whole indoor and summer seasons’-worth is always visible.

The archives from the old site (2005-2017) are PDF files.  All the origninal links in those files have been removed as most of them won’t work any more and life’s too short to go through each page updating them all.  Photos did not survive the transition either.  Sorry.  All links will open in a new tab

Sep22 – Aug23
Sep21 – Aug22
Oct20 – Aug21
Sep19 – Sep20
Sep18 – Aug19
Sep17 – Aug18
Sep16 – Aug17
Sep15 – Aug16
Sep14 – Aug15
Sep13 – Aug14
Sep12 – Aug13
Sep11 – Aug12
Sep10 – Aug11
Sep09 – Aug10
Sep08 – Aug09
Sep07 – Aug08
Sep06 – Aug07
Sep05 – Aug06

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