Individual Postal League:  This is a league for individuals, split into divisions of 6 based on the submitted averages.  Each shooter fires two postal matches against each of the others in the division to a pre-determined programme. Three cards in January and February and four in March. 

The 2024-25 competition will commence in January. The monthly results are available under the ‘Monthly Results’ button.  The ‘Division winners and Averages’ button will display that report at the end of the season.

For archived results, take the ‘Archive’ button below.

Monthly results For the detailed monthly results of the current season’s competition.
Division winners & Averages For a summary of the division winners and a list of averages at the end of the season.
Archived results For all available historical results
Regulations For the rules governing this competition (PDF file)


Here is the standard league fixture list:

—– League Programme —–


  January February March
    R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10
A versus B C D E F B C D E F
B v A E F D C A E F D C
C v D A E F B D A E F B
D v C F A B E C F A B E
E v F B C A D F B C A D
F v E D B C A E D B C A


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