Calendar of events: This page lists at least some of the events that take place during the year. Please advise of any updates.

Month Event
March 31st Mar is the end of the window for shoulder-to-shoulder league matches.
April Final of the Individual Championship, first Saturday.
May AGM held this month, usually towards the end. Notice and agenda and competitions prize-list sent to clubs at least 2 weeks ahead of the date.
August Affiliation and entry forms sent to clubs in early August
September Closing date for most competitions, usually the first Monday of the month. Shoulder-to-Shoulder league fixtures meeting, around the middle of the month.
October 1st Oct is the start of the window for arranging shoulder-to-shoulder league matches.
November Closing date for Individual League and Individual Championships, usually the last Monday of the month. Balerno & Currie Open meeting usually held this month
December Watsonian RC Open meeting usually  held this month.

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